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  1. Himaya We are the Hushed Protector of Health Data

  2. HTB web challenge jscalc walkthrough

  3. This is a walkthrough of a simple web challenge I created for CyberKimathi CTF competition.

  4. A walkthrough of a medium room in TryHackMe. A great room needing critical thinking to exploit path traversal attacks to scripting to manipulate a gdbserver process to a tricky privilege escalation by ruby.

  5. Daystar Hackathon CTF writeups My team CyberKimathi participated in the hackathon held at Daystar University. Being just a 2 hrs CTF and to be determined by time, we solved a couple of challenges, toping the competition. Here is a writeup of some: Challenge 1: Threat Intelligence A Malicious actor has been using the IP to spread malware, can you identify the filename to the Powershell script used in the malicious activity.

  6. This challenge is part of the Sherlocks HackTheBox challenges which are mainly focused on improving your defensive skills.

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