jscalc htb
This is one of the web challenges in hackthebox. It is a calculator web application, that, uses eval for calculations. Who does that anyway?🤮
Booting up the server, we find the calculator. Do a simple math and it performs the arithmetic
We are provided with the source code files. There are docker files(not important for us in this challenge), then the challenge files. The first file I checked was the index.js file to see what the application is doing after you enter some arithmetic. Most important part:
As we can see, it stringifies our input into a json with the name formula, then send it via POST to an api, /api/calculate.
Checking in routes how the api handles the data:
The result if okay is sent to the function Calculator.calculate(), which as we can see in the declaration is in /helpers/calculatorHelper.js. Visiting it, this is how it calculates:
module.exports = {
calculate(formula) {
try {
return eval(`(function() { return ${ formula } ;}())`);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
return 'Something went wrong!';
It passes the input passed via formula without any sanitization, an uses eval to calculate. This means we can inject commands. Here you can craft commands to read files, access global variables, etc. I crafted a js command to read the contents of a file synchronously, which I presumed should be flag.txt:
require('fs').readFileSync('/flag.txt', 'utf8')
We get the flag!