Peter Wambua / Logjammer Sherlocks Walkthrough

Created Sat, 25 May 2024 01:12:56 -0400
476 Words


I normally use gigasheets to analyze event logs but for this challenge some of the logs proved to be quite challenging so I had to swtich to Windows and use event viewer.\

Task 1 : When did the cyberjunkie user first successfully log into his computer? (UTC)

Opening the System.evtx with gigasheet, checking when the user cyberjunkie first appeared you’ll get the answer

Task 2 : The user tampered with firewall settings on the system. Analyze the firewall event logs to find out the Name of the firewall rule added?

Going through the Firewall-Firewall.evtx file, I found the rule they tampered with

Task 3 : Whats the direction of the firewall rule?

This is where it got tricky for me and I had to swtich to Windows event viewer. It was easier to use and vieweing the Firewall-Firewall.evtx file, I saw that a rule had been added to the defender list which is the one above. Below it is the direction

Task 4: The user changed audit policy of the computer. Whats the Subcategory of this changed policy?

By analyzing the Security.evtx logs, we can see a audit change log and below it is its subcategory

Task 5: The user “cyberjunkie” created a scheduled task. Whats the name of this task?

Inspecting the Security.evtx logs, we see a log of id 4698, Other Object Access Events. Checking it further, it is the scheduled task

Task 6: Whats the full path of the file which was scheduled for the task?

Just below on the same task is the path of the file to execute

Task 7: What are the arguments of the command?

The commands are right below the file

Task 8: The antivirus running on the system identified a threat and performed actions on it. Which tool was identified as malware by antivirus?

I used gigasheet on this one. Definitely from the given logs, we would identify this from the Windows Defender-Operational.evtx logs. Looking through the logs, I caught this
Hence the name is SharpHound

Task 9: Whats the full path of the malware which raised the alert?

The path is displayed in the same logs above

Task 10: What action was taken by the antivirus?

By switching to the tab of Action, we find the action taken

Task 11: The user used Powershell to execute commands. What command was executed by the user?

Analyze the Powershell-Operational.evtx logs and you see a log called ‘Execute a Remote Command’. This is it hence just go through it

Task 12: We suspect the user deleted some event logs. Which Event log file was cleared?

The trickiest one that made me hit so many dead ends. Though, after going through ‘Windows Firewall-Firewall.evtx’ logs, a log with id 2006 stated that ‘A rule has been deleted in the Windows Defender Firewall exception list’. This is it